Please note that Milton Keynes Talking Therapies will be closed for training on Friday 13th September 2024. If you need urgent assistance, please call 111 and select option 2.
Our in-house Employment Service provides free, impartial employment support and advice for clients accessing Milton Keynes Talking Therapies Service.
Whether you're currently employed, looking for work, or signed off sick, your Employment Advisor can offer personalised support to help you remain in work, find work or return to work.
We will work collaboratively to establish your employment goals and produce a personalised action plan. Our employment advisors work directly with Jobcentre Plus, Work & Health Programme providers, Employers, Employment Agencies and Trade Unions to help you fulfil your goals and aspirations.
Employment goals may include:
- Finding a suitable job
- Returning to work from sick leave
- Improving your working environment
- Leaving work and finding more suitable alternative employment
- Retiring from work
We can offer up to six one to one appointments by phone, video call or face-to-face.
- Improving Job Search skills
- Providing Careers Advice supporting clients to advance their career choices, by finding “good” work that meets your aspirations.
- Providing advice on opportunities within the local labour market
- Providing advice on Education and Training to further your career
- CV writing
- Application form completion
- Improving interview technique
- To disclose your mental health status at work if it's needed.
- Support to agree reasonable adjustments with your employer to thrive at work.
- Creating Wellness Action Plans to support you at work.
- Supporting you to improve productivity at work using the Presenteeism Questionnaire to measure changes in presenteeism.
- Providing information, advice and guidance to help you get back to work if off sick including gaining access to Occupational Health, encouraging employers to consider a graduated return to work, and development of back to work plans.
- Supporting you to leave work that is not good for your mental health with dignity. Supporting you to explore alternative, more appropriate options to move forwards.
- Signposting to organisations that can provide representation including trade unions, law centres and employment lawyers.
- Providing guidance on claiming benefits you are entitled to.
- Signposting to local accredited debt services.
- Signposting to Food Banks and Community Food outlets.
- Signposting to social housing providers for any unmet housing needs.
- Signposting to employment agencies or other employment support where appropriate.
To access this service, please speak with your therapist and they will arrange for you to be contacted by an Employment Advisor.
If you are not currently using Milton Keynes Talking Therapies Service, you may refer yourself or speak with your GP or another healthcare professional.